Responsibility by Type of Care and Custodian 624-05-15-105-15
(Revised 2/10/07 ML #3053)
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Family Foster Care:
The financial county for family foster care (not therapeutic family foster care) is the county where the child's parent has residence at the time of court intervention.
Therapeutic Family Foster Care:
In therapeutic family foster care, the procedures for financial county are similar to procedures for children in group/RCCF/PRTF care. The custodian refers the child, ensures that permanency planning takes place, maintains the documentation ensuring that custodial duties are carried out and compliance issues met. The financial county (where the child's parent has residence at the time of court intervention) is frequently the same as the custodial county. In some instances, there may be an exception to this. Please refer questions to the regional supervisor.
The county of financial responsibility for children and youth in foster care in group/RCCF, in or out of state, is the county where the child's parent has residence at the time of court intervention. Financial responsibility will remain with that county as long as the individual remains in care.
Division of Juvenile Services:
Division of Juvenile Services (DJS), as custodian, is responsible for those case management duties involved in permanency planning as found in NDDHS 624-05. This includes, for example, contacting the regional supervisor to ensure that the DJS case is permanency planned, ensure placement in the least restrictive environment, is reviewed regularly in permanency planning, and that appropriate permanency planning documentation is in place.
Tribal Foster Care Cases:
Above guidelines are followed.
The eligibility worker in the appropriate county has the responsibility to see that permanency-planning reports are on CCWIPS. If not, the eligibility worker will notify the appropriate tribal social worker.
For tribal case plans (Permanency Planning Committee Initial Report) and quarterly reports (Permanency Planning Committee Progress Report), the involved county starts the case plan on CCWIPS (generating available information from the system), printing it out, and mailing it to the appropriate tribal social worker for completion.
It is the responsibility of the tribal social service worker (case manager) for the specific case to ensure that permanency planning is done in a timely manner and that the policies in Service Chapter 624-05 are followed. It is the responsibility of the tribal social worker to ensure that the tribal court is notified if hearings are due, etc.
Please refer to Service Chapters 447-10 and 623-05 for more information.